Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Week Two!

Week Two is Through!! (Yes, I feel the need to rhyme.)I had another successful week at the diet! Let me let you in on a little secret... My mom's birthday was on Sunday and I actually fit cake/icecream into my calories for the day :/ and STILL lost weight!!

I've lost 12 lbs. in TWO WEEKS!!!! (11.8 if we're getting technical, which my tracker does not do ;-)) It feels soooo good to lose weight! It really does! And I am all the more motivated to start to add more exercise to my plan. BUT! My bigger goal for the week, DRINK MORE WATER! I did well in week one, but this last week I couldn't seem to put down my diet soda. Hopefully I'll have another great number next week!


  1. totally cheering you on, Gorgeous! :)

  2. I want to know this diet for after I have traxton!!! What is it??
