Week Three Go Me!
This week's loss is not near as satisfying as the last two. BUT, that's to be expected. The first couple weeks at a diet or exercise program are expected to be great, because your body goes into shock a little bit. As long as I continue to lose weight steadily, I'll be happy. If I hit a plateau, steer clear of me!
I've lost 14.2 lbs total! I lost 2.4 lbs this last week. I did great with drinking a lot of water, but it was mostly LifeWater which is flavored, hopefully that didn't actually hurt my weight loss instead of helping.
Goal for this week: More (plain) Water, and the addition of a little bit of exercise. I say "a little bit" because whenever I JUMP into a new exercise plan, it usually only lasts a few weeks before I get sick of it. I miss dance! After dancing for 17 years, Its hard to find other forms of cardio/exercise that I like or are exciting. So if anyone out there has a dance class that they like, for adults, that is challenging yet non-competitive let me know! That's all this mommy/working/student has time for!
If I didnt already adore you to pieces I would totally not like you right now. ;) wanna be my weight loss coach. You are inspiring. Shar e your secret with all of us chubby friends :)